sábado, janeiro 26, 2013

Inspire me, January

Images by: Tumblr, Style & Weheartit

7 hugs:

Unknown disse...

studded, floral and colourful! Love em all ;)


Panty Buns disse...

I love so many of these fashions! The peachy pink colour i the first outfit is fabulous. The tiered ruffled top is wonderfully feminine. Wow, you really live those sharp studs don't you! The studded denim sleeveless jacket paired with lots of pretty necklaces and a tee tied at the waist is a nice look and I adore the floral print on the blazer pictured just below it. The kitten is adorable. Love the peach pink skirt. What gorgeous hair in the photo just above the lips - even though the lips aren't red they remind me of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Hugging your sharp studs. I love your inspired January pics.


Aiko disse...

tanta coisa inspiradora :D

Loretta disse...

Those kitten leggings are soooo cute. Totally need those in my life!


Unknown disse...

Quanta inspiração !!!


Danny disse...

tanta coisa linda! achei imensa piada às calças com os gatos nos joelhos

Tonio disse...

my dear.


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