sexta-feira, janeiro 07, 2011


By Nick Knight for Vanity Fair,

miss Gaga <3

6 hugs:

Panty Buns disse...

I love the YouTube video of Gaga. Sometimes it seems like Lady Gaga is growing younger instead of older! I love the ruffled tiered dress she was wearing at the start of the video and of course I love it whenever she appears out in public in her panties. Did you see that she posted the photo showing her bare bottom both on her website and also posted the pic of her bare bottom on her Twitter account as well? In the photo she is wearing a jacket emblazoned with the words "Born This Way"

Aiko disse...

pois estava mesmo frio
mas corria para aqecer XD

Silvana Querido disse...


Aproveito para te convidar a participar no giveaway que está a decorrer no meu blogue.


Rokaia disse...

Adorei o blog! Conheço a pouco tempo mas pode ter certeza que já virei fã. As postagens são liindas!
Também tenho um blog, mas está beem no começinho, se quiser passar por lá, vou amar!

beijão Rokaia

Utopia disse...

she's gorgeous

Marnie disse...

I love her.
Your blog is fab!